Diabetes – A Continuing Saga | Miki's Hope

Diabetes – A Continuing Saga

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Well, I went to the Doctor today. My blood Sugar was 212 –lots better then the 400!! And my blood pressure is back to normal. I still have a long way to go-The blood sugar should be around 125 I think. At least that is what my client (she is a nurse told me)-She also told me that I should be eating around 1800 calories a day (I neglected to tell her I am coming no where near that amount!) The doctor finally told me I could eat approx 100 Carbs a day. They both told me to eat high protein foods so there are 9 eggs being hard boiled at the moment. (72 Calories each 0 Carbs) I am not really an egg eater but can eat them hard boiled. Thankfully the FDA changed their directive-Used to be that eggs were no good for you—now they are good for you and won’t hurt you!! Live long enough and everything changes back!! I figured out by myself that I have to eat something about every two hours so I don’t feel like I am starving.

So now I am going to have to figure out how to increase my caloric intake (so I can lose weight) while watching carbs. I know from way back when that if you don’t eat enough you will NOT lose weight—back to the drawing board I go.

Till next time----------------

She better find sumting I like!!

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Martha Walters said...

One day at a time Michele. So good to hear your doing great with this.

Edna Williams said...

I wish you continued success with managing your diabetes. That is such a cute kitty pic! Thanks for sharing!

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