$25 B&N GC-Summer Reads Giveaway Hop-Ends 7/11 | Miki's Hope

$25 B&N GC-Summer Reads Giveaway Hop-Ends 7/11

Friday, July 6, 2012

This contest is officially closed--out of 262 comments (Thank you everyone for entering) the winning number picked at Random.org is # 105

Violet Sanchez said... 105


July 7, 2012 5:47 AM

Now all Violet has to do is reply to the email I will be sending her in a few minutes with her full name and mailing address and I will mail out the $25 B&N GC!

Thank you to Kathy I Am a Reader Not a Writer and her Co-Host Rex Robot Reviews for putting this giveaway together!!

I remember when life was less hectic and I did not yet have to work--I would take myself outside with a book and read the day away!! But, then as now, I like to pick out what I want to read--so for this giveaway--I will be giving one lucky winner a $25.00 B&N GC.

Remember to put your email in each and every comment--if you win and I can't find

Mandatory: In a comment, tell me if you have ever sat down in a Barnes & Noble
Store and started reading and couldn't stop? (Yes, I have-but
feeling bad bought the book anyway!) Simple yes or no will do!

Extra: Follow me on facebook
Follow me on GFC (to the right)
Like this post
Tweet this post (only once this time)

Here is the list of all the other bloggers participating!! Be sure to go check out what they are giving away!!

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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sohamolina said... 1

I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker-- eddiem11@ca.rr.com

sohamolina said... 2

I am eddiem11 GFC follower-----eddiem11@ca.rr.com

sohamolina said... 3

like the post-soha molina

laceyblossom said... 4

Yes I have!

laceyblossom said... 5

GFC follower: laceyblossom

Natasha said... 6

No, I haven't done that yet. Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Disincentive said... 7

I'm entering only if this can be changed to other card - like The Book Depository or Amazon because I had problems with B&N already :( Anyway! I have sat in polish bookstore called Empik (it's pretty much like B&N) and started to read. But it's allowed there, they even have pillows and chairs and tables :D I love this place.

GFC: disincentive


jodi lasher said... 8

No i have not ever done that..

jodi lasher said... 9

I follow mikis hope on facebook
jodi frasier

jodi lasher said... 10

i follow on gfc as jodi32
jodi lasher

jodi lasher said... 11


jodi lasher said... 12

i like the blog post
jodi frasier

Tabisadelta said... 13

tabisadelta at gmail dot com

Tabisadelta said... 14

tabisadelta at gmail dot com

Tabisadelta said... 15

I like this post

Tabisadelta said... 16

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Tabisadelta said... 17

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Paula L. said... 18

I have not :)

jandplee at att dot net

Paula L. said... 19

I Follow you on facebook. Paula Lee

jandplee at att dot net

Leann said... 20

Yes I have.... chefl@swbell.net

Leann said... 21

Following you on Facebook. chefl@swbell.net

Leann said... 22

Following you on GFC. chefl@swbell.net

Steph said... 23

No I haven't - not yet at least!


Steph said... 24

Follow on FB: Stephanie Ward


Steph said... 25

Follow via GFC: Stephanie


Steph said... 26

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Steph said... 27



Crystal said... 28



Crystal said... 29

Follow me on facebook: Crystal Martinez


Crystal said... 30

Follow me on GFC: californiablue17


Crystal said... 31

Like this post on FB: Crystal Martinez


Cathy C said... 32


catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said... 33


catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said... 34

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cathy c

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said... 35

gfc follower

catherine c

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said... 36

Yes I have done that...all the books are just too tempting!

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said... 37

FB: Maria Smith

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said... 38

Tweet: https://twitter.com/Maria_Smith_76/status/221315217076920322

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said... 39

GFC: Maria pronounced Mariah

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Krista said... 40

No, I usually know what I want before I go in.

Thanks for doing this giveaway!
pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

Krista said... 41

GFC Krista

pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

Ryan said... 42

Does every single time I go in there count? I'm not sure it's possible for me not too get enthralled by a book I pick up.

Thanks for the opportunity!


Stephanie said... 43


Stephanie said... 44

GFC follower: Stephanie

Gi-Gi said... 45

I've done it so many times and at multiple bookstores to that the workers at the stores just got used to it XD plus I always end up buying at least 3-5 books that way


Gi-Gi said... 46

GFC follower: Gi-Gi


Gi-Gi said... 47

Follow on FB: Gi-Gi OMFSM


Gi-Gi said... 48

Liked post: Gi-Gi OMFSM


Anonymous said... 49

Absolutely--even though all the B&Ns near me are a good hour or two away, and it makes me miss the bus back home!


Danielle B! said... 50

I have sat down in a B&N but never have I not been able to stop reading. Thanks for the giveaway! :D


Danielle B! said... 51

GFC is Danielle B!

Danielle B! said... 52



tiffany said... 53

yes i have. glamgirlajj@hotmail.com

Anonymous said... 54

follow on fb as tiffany kinney

Candace M. said... 55


Olivia R said... 56



Olivia R said... 57

i follow Mikis Hope on FB as Olivia Rubin


Olivia R said... 58

i follow on GFC as Olivia Rubin


Olivia R said... 59

i liked this post


Olivia R said... 60



Tracy said... 61

No, I have never sat down and read in B&N


Tracy said... 62

GFC Tracy Juliano


Tracy said... 63

Liked post- Tracy Awalt Juliano


Tracy said... 64

Tweeted= https://twitter.com/TracyJuliano/status/221405640889876480


Tracy said... 65

Facebook follower- Tracy Awalt Juliano


G said... 66

ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

G said... 67

Follow me on facebook
ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

G said... 68

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ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

G said... 69

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ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

G said... 70

ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

susan1215 said... 71


s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 72


s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 73

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s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 74

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s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 75

Like you on FB Susan Smith

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Caro said... 76

yes, all the time...but i usually also drank several drinks from the cafe during that time

wanda f said... 77

no I havent

wanda f said... 78

fb wanda flanagan


wanda f said... 79

gfc wanda f


wanda f said... 80

like the post

wanda flanagan

wanda f said... 81



throuthehaze said... 82

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said... 83

GFC: Throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said... 84

FB: Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

LisaILJ said... 85

Liked on FB: Lisa Jay
leyser73 at gmail dot com

LisaILJ said... 86
This comment has been removed by the author.
LisaILJ said... 87

I have never stayed at a book store long enough to read an entire book. The exception to that when I am looking to buy a picture book for a child. Then I will read several books to find them a great one if I don't have any others in mind.

leyser73 at gmail dot com

LisaILJ said... 88

Liked the post on FB: Lisa Jay
leyser73 at gmail dot com

LisaILJ said... 89


leyser73 at gmail dot com

Isa said... 90

There isn't a Barnes and Noble here but yes I have done that.


Isa said... 91

Following via GFC - Isa

Isa said... 92

Liked Post: Vashael

Isa said... 93

Tweet: https://twitter.com/lollibea/status/221471617476329472


Isa said... 94

Followed on facebook: Vashael


Andrea said... 95

Yes, I love to read in bookstores! :)


Andrea said... 96

Follow on facebook - Andrea Williams


Andrea said... 97

Follow on GFC - Andrea Williams


Andrea said... 98

Liked the post - Andrea Williams


Shane R. said... 99

No I haven't

shanerus at gmail dot com

Shane R. said... 100

I follow on Facebook as Shane Russell

shanerus at gmail dot com

Shane R. said... 101

GFC: Shane R.

shanerus at gmail dot com

Shane R. said... 102

I tweeted


shanerus at gmail dot com

Violet Sanchez said... 103


Jennifer Haile said... 104

No, it's too busy in the store!

volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

Jennifer Haile said... 105

I follow on facebook.

volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

Jennifer Haile said... 106

I follow on GFC as XArea51.

volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

Sarika Patkotwar said... 107
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarika Patkotwar said... 108

We don't have a Barnes & Nobke here in India.
GFC- Sarika Patkotwar
Tweet link- https://twitter.com/sarikap8/status/221610710562652160

Lisa Weidknecht said... 109

Nope but I can't get out for less than $100.

Lisa Weidknecht said... 110

I stalk you on Facebook.

Lisa Weidknecht said... 111

I stalk you on GFC.

Lisa Weidknecht said... 112

I LIKE this post!

Lisa Weidknecht said... 113

I tweeted only once this time - https://twitter.com/Weidknecht/status/221638865012785152

The Romance Bookie said... 114

GFC: The Romance Bookie
Email: romancebookie@yahoo.com
Twitter: @RomanceBookie
Unfortunately, I haven't, but only because at the Barnes and Noble in my area it's always REALLY crowded and all the shares are taken. However, once I did take a "Twilight" parody and read a bit of that with a friend, and laugh our heads off! And I used to spend hours at Barnes and Borders, but when Borders closed, I got a membership at Barnes and ever since then I usually only order online, with the free shipping, because most of the time I save money. :)

Thanks for the great giveaway! I LOVE Barnes!!

Unknown said... 115

I have! I usually sit on the floor in whatever aisle I happen to be in.

Tabathia B said... 116

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said... 117

like on facebook (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said... 118

gfc follower
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said... 119

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said... 120

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Anme said... 121

I actually haven't done that before. I think I tend to get overwhelmed and just want to make a decision- and for some reason- i don;t look through the book to do it, which is silly.

Thank you for the giveaway!

melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Anme said... 122

Thank you for the giveaway!
I am a GFC follower as mel brock
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said... 123

I don't know that I have gotten so into a book that I have actually finished it while in the bookstore. My family hates to go to a bookstore with me, though as I can just browse forever even if I have the intention of going in for one book.

snhoveln AT gmail DOT com
I am a GFC follower as Stephanie Huff

Unknown said... 124

Thought about it but never did it jbsmunky at aol dot com

Unknown said... 125

FB Shauna Olen Buck

Unknown said... 126

GFC SHauna buck
jbsmunky at aol dot com

Suz said... 127

No, have never sat down and read at a Barnes & Noble. Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Suz said... 128

Like you on FB as Suz Reads!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Suz said... 129

Follow on GFC as Suz!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Suz said... 130

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/SuzReads/status/221667683022807040

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

magic5905 said... 131

No, its always so busy.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

magic5905 said... 132

I like you on facebook, Joy F
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

magic5905 said... 133

I follow on gfc-magic5905
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

magic5905 said... 134

I liked the post, Joy F
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 135

No, i haven't.
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 136

I follow you on FB (Colleen Boudreau)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 137

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holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 138

I 'like' this post (colleen boudreau)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 139

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/collifornia/status/221715516673372160
holliister at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 140

No, but I have spent a large portion of time in B&N before! Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC follower: Shelby


Unknown said... 141

Liked you on FB: Shelby Lauren


Regina Trobee said... 142

Yes I have. lol.

Regina Trobee said... 143

aaf on facebook.

Regina Trobee said... 144

gfc follower

Vidisha said... 145

I have done it way too many times

GFC follower



deasuluna said... 146

Yes, I have always done that since I was kid when my mother used to take me with her. I would say bye and go straight to the kids section find a few books and sit down and read though I preferred sitting on the floor of the aisle so I could grab more.

Follow on FB: Christina Torres-Salas
GFC: Christina Torres
liked post: Christina Torres-Salas
tweet: https://twitter.com/deasuluna/status/221760770067804160

Tiffany Drew said... 147

I haven't. I know if I sit down I'll never leave and then my kids will starve lol.


Tiffany Drew said... 148

Facebook follower Tiffany Drew


Tiffany Drew said... 149

GFC follower Tiffany Drew


Tiffany Drew said... 150

Liked the post as Tiffany Drew


Tiffany Drew said... 151




Lexi Edwards said... 152

Liked the blog post as Lexi Edwards


Lexi Edwards said... 153

I wish! There's always some sort of time constraint in the way...


Lexi Edwards said... 154

Follows via GFC as Lexi Edwards


Unknown said... 155

I haven't...there isn't a B&N around where I live :(

GFC Follower- Christy M


Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda Kish said... 156

No, I haven't. The whole concept still feels uncomfortable to me. I guess I am just too old-fashioned.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said... 157

No, I don't usually start reading while in the stores! :)

Thx for the giveaway!

Jackie said... 158

No...but it would be easy to do
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 159

I follow on facebook
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 160

I follow on gfc
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Olivia R said... 161



Sophia Rose said... 162

Haha! Yes, I have and I did buy the book.


Sophia Rose said... 163

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

GFC: Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose said... 164

I love the opportunity to win a GC.

FB: Sally Michele Shaw

Sophia Rose said... 165

RT: https://twitter.com/sophiarose1816/status/221810511132631040


Unknown said... 166

I have done that many times.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Cheryl said... 167

Yes I've done the B & N thing, but usually buy the book too! :)

Cheryl said... 168

I follow you via GFC - sweepingtheusa

Cheryl said... 169

I follow you on FB - sweepingtheusa

Cheryl said... 170

I liked the post - sweepingtheusa

Abbi Hart said... 171


elin said... 172

GFC pinkflower
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said... 173

FB liked allie lin
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said... 174

And yes, I have just walked in the store and started reading a book after i find a place to sit at! :)
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

Jane Speare said... 175

Honestly no. I try sometimes, but then get too distracted by all the books around me. Usually I just eventually end up walking around and run my fingers across the spines on every single shelf.


Jaime Lester said... 176

I have done that several times. Sit down with a coffee or cappuccino and lose myself completely. Wonderful!


Jaime Lester said... 177

Facebook- Jaime Lynn Lester

jeepgirl529(at)yahoo(dot) com

Jaime Lester said... 178

GFC- Jaime Lynn


Jaime Lester said... 179

Liked post- Jaime Lynn Lester


Jaime Lester said... 180

Tweet- @JaimeLLester


Monja Blue said... 181

Yes, & I did what you did!

Monja Blue said... 182

Longtime follower in GFC!

Monja Blue said... 183

Liked you on FB, too!

Mammamayor said... 184

Yes but only to watch my kids play with the train table or Legos
Thank u!

amramazon280 said... 185

yes and i love it i get a glimpse if the book is worth to buy
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

amramazon280 said... 186

gfc follower
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

amramazon280 said... 187

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amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

amramazon280 said... 188

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amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

amramazon280 said... 189


Andi said... 190

All 4 of those extras done! I'm @AndreaCoventry and you can find all of my stuff via Facebook.

I often get lost in books at Barnes and Noble. For a while there, people knew me...

ellepaulette said... 191

Never! The workers at my BN are always hassling you about something. So I just run in, get what I need and run out as fast as I can.

ellepaulette said... 192

Sorry, forgot my email - ellepaulette@gmail.com

ellepaulette said... 193

GFC - Dani Chapman

ellepaulette said... 194

Liked on Facebook - Danielle Chapman

Olivia R said... 195
This comment has been removed by the author.
Olivia R said... 196



donnas said... 197


And bought the book to finish

bacchus76 at myself dot com

donnas said... 198

gfc follower

bacchus76 at myself dot com

donnas said... 199

like on FB Donna S

bacchus76 at myself dot com

donnas said... 200

tweet - https://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/222158725174149122

bacchus76 at myself dot com

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