New Nook Simple Touch w/Glowlight Giveaway-Ends 5/4 | Miki's Hope

New Nook Simple Touch w/Glowlight Giveaway-Ends 5/4

Friday, April 27, 2012

Be the First to Get the NEW Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight!

It's the first and only reader for perfect bedtime reading!

Item is available for sale on May 7th! Win yours NOW and get it pre-ordered right to your address!

This Giveaway is Hosted by

and sponsored by these WONDERFUL blogs....

Please Visit Their Sites When You Have Time!

The NEW Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight Features (from B&

  • Breakthrough technology creates a soft glow optimized for low light reading
  • Warm light illuminates entire screen evenly
  • End bedtime reading debate-when you want to read & your partner wants to sleep
  • GlowLight turns on instantly and adjusts easily with a touch
  • Revolutionary built-in anti-glare screen protector delivers just-like-paper experience – great in bright sun
  • Exclusive Best-Text™ & adjustable fonts make words crisp & clear
  • Fastest, most advanced E Ink® display for seamless page turns
  • Lightest NOOK ever – perfect for long reading sessions and carrying everywhere
  • Unbeatable value: "2 Readers in 1" - Best of E Ink & Lit Display - Amazing in bed and at the beach  
 Enter on the Rafflecopter below to WIN!

The Giveaway is from Friday, April 27th at Noon EST - Friday, May 4th at Midnight!

Good luck!!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Sonya Cocherell said... 1

An untroubled heart

Krista said... 2

I would buy City of Ghosts by Stacia Kane.

June M. said... 3

I am not sure what the first book would be....probably a good PNR book.

Cassandra Holdeman said... 4

The first book I get would be the Holy Bible.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 5

The new Eragon book
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Ruth said... 6

I am going to be honest. I would search for free Nook books and download those. I would not be spending money on buying books. I also review a lot of books.

Kimberly Lynne said... 7

I would get "50 Shades of Grey!"

tranch said... 8

i would get a dee hendersen book

Amanda Lyn said... 9

breaking dawn

Myra Rzepa said... 10

i would get the hunger games books first!:)

Tabisadelta said... 11

Probably a cook book

Sara said... 12

I would get the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. ;)

ChristinaSmith said... 13

The Clash of the Bridesmaids by author Vanessa Sisson

Angel Jacklyn said... 14


Tamara said... 15

I already have downloaded several classic literature books, which I am so excited to read! I'm most looking forward to "David Copperfield". Thank you!

Jen @ frazzled 5 said... 16

Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Myers

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