$25 GC to Random House Books-Charity Hopping Around the World-Ends 4/4 | Miki's Hope

$25 GC to Random House Books-Charity Hopping Around the World-Ends 4/4

Thursday, March 29, 2012

This giveaway is officially closed. The lucky winner of the $25 GC to Random House is................... Mia J. said... 127 I learned that First Book has donated over 90 million books and learning resources to children in need. April 3, 2012 12:25 AM Thank you to all of you who came to learn about my favorite charity!! And I hope that when you think about giving this year you will think about First Book! Now all the winner has to do is reply to the email I will be sending her in a few minutes within 48 hours with the names of the book (s) (up to $25 worth) and her full name and mailing address and I will go in and order them for her!! I am a reader. I believe that every child should experience the wonder of opening his or her very own book. There is something about actually holding a book and turning the pages that can cause the imagination to soar. It can be the beginning of a love of lifetime learning. Most times it is a parent who first buys and then reads to their child, turning the pages, explaining the brightly colored pictures! Unfortunately not everyone in this day and age can afford that First Book. One of my favorite charities is First Book; they donate that first book to children whose parents simply cannot afford them.

So, when the time comes that you are thinking about which charity to give to—won’t you consider First Book. I really just want you to see what this charity is all about. Whether you might consider donating at some point or have a need for their services or are just curious please click in and read all about it!!
And I have a suggestion for all us avid readers out there—this year why don’t you forgo the buying of 1 book and donate the money to First book instead. And when you are thinking about what to buy a child as a present—buy them a book (admittedly in addition to whatever else they might want!)

Now for the fun part!!! One lucky winner will be able to go to Random House and pick out $25.00 worth of books of their choice. Just remember to put your email in each and every comment so that I can contact the winner (chosen by Random.org) who will have 48 hours to respond to my email.

Mandatory Entry: Go to First Book and tell me something you learned.

Additional Entries: Follow me on GFC (to the right)
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Good Luck Everyone--now on to the other wonderful blogs and the Charities they are going to tell you about!!

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Unknown said...

what a wonderful org.! they donate 35,000 books a day!
GFC dianna,
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Kali Skittles said...


dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

Kali Skittles said...

GFC: Kali Skittles

dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

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dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

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dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

Kali Skittles said...

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dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

Kali Skittles said...

I learned that First Books has donated over 90 million books.

This is a wonderful charity, and I will definitely do what you suggest (and maybe even more than once) next time I have some extra $$$ that I planned to spend on books. I really believe children should be reading more and being able to give and expose children to books is a great thing.

dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

taterbug78 said...

I learned that donating just $10 will give 4 books to the children!
taterbug78 at gmail dot com

taterbug78 said...

GFC Follower tracy haidle

taterbug78 at gmail dot com

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taterbug78 at gmail dot com

Nata Cynthia Artistadonna said...

donors and dedicated volunteers have provided more than 90 million new books to schools

Nata Cynthia Artistadonna said...

donors and dedicated volunteers have provided more than 90 million new books to schools
childrensbook13 at aol dot com

Krystal Larson said...

They have donated over 90 million books.

Krystal Larson said...


Krystal Larson said...

GFC Krystal Larson

Doodle said...

They are partnered with Disney & Target among others.

doodlesbookblog at gmail dot com

Doodle said...

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I liked this post on FB: Emily Rencich

doodlesbookblog at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

I learned that a $10 donation gets 4 new books to children in need, that is great!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

swade05 at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

Following on GFC username swade. Thanks for the giveaway!!

swade05 at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

Already following on Linky Followers as Sasha (swade05 at gmail dot com). Thanks for the giveaway!!

swade05 at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

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swade05 at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

Subscribed to RSS feed (swade05 at gmail dot com). Thanks for the giveaway!!

swade05 at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

Liked the blog post. Thanks for the giveaway!!

swade05 at gmail dot com

Sasha W said...

Tweeted about the giveaway:
https://twitter.com/#!/swade005/status/185763520049184768 Thanks for the chance to win!!

swade05 at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

Awesome charity! I learned that for only $20 you could donate 8 books to children!


Stephanie said...

GFC: Stephanie


Stephanie said...

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Anonymous said...

First Book has assisted 27,000 registered groups.


Suz Reads said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win! I learned that First Book donates 35,000 books per day! That is awesome :)

klaxon63350 (at) mypacks (dot) net

Suz Reads said...

Follow on GFC as Suz!

klaxon63350 (at) mypacks (dot) net

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klaxon63350 (at) mypacks (dot) net

Suz Reads said...

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Sarah said...

They've donated 90 million books to date.


Sarah said...

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Carrie said...

First Book has distributed more than 90 million books!! Wow!

celjla212 at aol dot com

Carrie said...

GFC Carrie Ardoin

celjla212 at aol dot com

Carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carrie said...

Linky, Carrie @ Sweet Southern Home

celjla212 at aol dot com

Carrie said...

Liked the post as Carrie Lee Ardoin

celjla212 at aol dot com

Carrie said...

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celjla212 at aol dot com

elin said...

I read that over 90 MILLION books have been donated already :D
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said...

GFC pinkflower
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said...

Linky pinkflower
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said...

LIKED on FB as allie lin
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said...

emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

I learned that every $10 donated provides five new books for a child in need. That is awesome!


Julie Lynn Bickham said...

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Shannon said...

What a great organization. For only $10 they can provide 4 new books - already having donated 90 million books (that's over $22 million!!!)

Thank you for sharing this charity with us!

+1 I'm a GFC follower - Shannon

+1 I tweeted about the post: https://twitter.com/#!/ggjunk/status/185872248257777664

Nay Nay said...

Great organization. I learned that Cheerios® and First Book share the belief that reading is a key building block for learning and life.
Since I love to read, I hope they can install a love of reading in the very young that will remain with them forever.
+1 I am a GFC follower: Nay Nay
Thanks for supporting this wonderful organizaton.


Paula L. said...

First Book has distributed more than 90 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families throughout the United States and Canada.

jandplee at att dot net

Paula L. said...

I Follow you on GFC. Paula Lee

jandplee at att dot net

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jandplee at att dot net

Maryea said...

Feeding America is nourishing children’s minds as well as their bodies by connecting its extensive network of food banks and programs with First Book.

Georgette C said...

I found out that with only $10 They can provide 4 books! That's pretty phenomenal as well as how much they have already raised for books. Amazing organization.

I follow on GFC- Georgette C

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Georgette C said...

Also follow on Twitter LadyGDuran

Lexie@BookBug said...

I totally agree with you about reading. It is such an intregal part of learning and life in general. I love that this organization is trying to get books out there to schools and teachers who desperately need them.
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

Lexie@BookBug said...

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lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I learned that First Book is ranked "Four Stars" by Charity Navigator, the highest possible rating.
Thank you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I learned that to date, First Book has distributed more than 90 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families throughout the United States and Canada.
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

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In Julie's Opinion said...

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Ashley E said...

First book has given away over 90 million books so far. That is a lot of books! Plus, you can not just donate, you can also volunteer! Pretty awesome organization.

GFC: Ashley Van Buren

Unknown said...

I learned that they have donated over 90 million books.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Megan said...

i learned that for every $10 you donate, that's four books for a child in need.

Megan said...

GFC: Megan @ Unearthly Reviews.


Tracy said...

I learned that authors who sell their books independently can challenge their readers by promising a donation to First Book if a title makes it to the Top 500, Top 10 or Top 20 on Amazon’s Kindle store.

Tracy Awalt Juliano
ohsopetite1 at yahoo dot com

Tracy said...

GFC follow: Tracy Juliano
Tracy Awalt Juliano
ohsopetite1 at yahoo dot com

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Linky follow: tjuliano1975 at gmail dot com

Tracy Awalt Juliano
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Tracy Awalt Juliano
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Tracy Awalt Juliano
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Link: https://twitter.com/#!/TracyJuliano/status/186280005129617409

Tracy Awalt Juliano
ohsopetite1 at yahoo dot com

Denise Z said...

First Book has given away 90 million books, now that is impressive.


Krista said...

Efficient and frugal. 95% of First Book's revenue goes directly to providing new books to kids in need.

pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

Kathy said...

90 millions books have been donated so far.

Kathy said...

GFC Follower

Unknown said...

Nice charity, I learned that 90,000 books have been donated to date. And they have distribution parnters like, Disney, Simon and Schuster, Harper Collins, and Random House!

hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

liked post on FB as Heather Baker Schrock

hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

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hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

gfc red headed bookworm

hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

linky redheaded bookworm

hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

Linda Kish said...

Target has been a corporate sponsor since 2008 and has donated more than 415,000 new books to children in need at 3,000 schools nationwide since then.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Lilian said...

I learned they donate 35,000 books a day!

Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

Lilian said...

Followed on GFC as Lilian Cheng


Lilian said...

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email subscriber: lilbox@mailinator.com


Lilian said...

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Lilian said...

tweeted: http://twitter.com/lilboxism/status/186689005444792321


Krista said...

GFC: Krista

pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

Krista said...

Linky: Krista

pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

throuthehaze said...

I learned that 90 million books have been donated to date.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

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throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Caitlin said...

I learned that First Book has distributed more than 90 million books! Wow! That is a lot of books!

gokarter418 (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the charity was that big. What a great program to support!


Anonymous said...

GFC follower: Jaime


Anonymous said...

E-mail follower: twistingthelens@gmail.com

Laura said...

GFC Follower: BookcaseLaura

BookcaseLaura @ gmail com

Laura said...

What a great charity - 90 million books donated so far - that's amazing!!

BookcaseLaura @ gmail com

Laura said...

I liked your post on fb!
Laura Garofalo

BookcaseLaura @ gmail com

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Katie Amanda said...

I learned that with a $10 donation, 4 books can be bought for children.



Katie Amanda said...

I follow GFC as Katie Amanda



Krystle said...

I learned they have distributed over 90 million books wow!

krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

Krystle said...

following you on GFC Krystle Smith

krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

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krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

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krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

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krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

Krystle said...



krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

Devony said...

I love that they have already donated 90 million books to lower income areas! What a great charity! wilsondev(At)gmail(Dot)com

Mia J. said...

I learned that First Book has donated over 90 million books and learning resources to children in need.

mia at jacobsracing dot com

Mia J. said...

I follow on gfc - mia

mia at jacobsracing dot com

aggcalifornia said...

I learned that they help get books to children in need! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

- lablogs@yahoo.com

Krista said...


pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

Kim Reid said...

Studies show that interest in reading more than triples among children who received new books from First Book.

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Kim Reid said...

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kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Kim Reid said...


kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Stacy said...

I learned that they do virtual book drives. When I checked there were 9 active ones, including one in my area (Hillsborough County Bar Association).

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Stacy said...

I follow you on GFC as Stacy T

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Linda Henderson said...

I found out that James Patterson and Rick Riordan support this project.

seriousreader at live dot com

Linda Henderson said...

I follow on GFC as seriousreader

seriousreader at live dot com

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seriousreader at live dot com

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seriousreader at live dot com

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seriousreader at live dot com

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seriousreader at live dot com

Mona said...

I learned that First Book delivers on average 35,000 books a day!

Mona said...

GFC(Mona Garg)

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Ruth said...

I learned that Target is a partner with them to end illiteracy.

Ruth said...

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Ruth Mayer Hill

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Ruth said...


Anonymous said...

I learned that for every $10 donated = provides five new books for a child in need and its tax-deductible.


Anonymous said...

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(Maria Balmeo)


Anonymous said...

I liked the post.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the giveaway,

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