Changing Perceptions about Mental Illness | Miki's Hope

Changing Perceptions about Mental Illness

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The ABC's of Recovery from Mental Illness --Carol A Kivler, MS, CSP

A friend asked me if I would review a small book written by someone she knows—Of course I said yes. What she didn’t know was-------------

I worked as the bookkeeper/office manager of a small psychiatric hospital for about 7 years approx 15 years ago. I witnessed many recoveries—once sad, depressed people taking over their lives again. I also knew first hand how terribly difficult it was to get coverage for this illness.

Imagine, for just a moment, that it happened to you. It did to me—One of my doctors decided that I should quit smoking and gave me a medication to help. Well—now imagine me standing on a train platform-PETRIFIED-unable to move. Thankfully I knew or intuited what was happening and stopped that medicine immediately!! I did get back to my normal self relatively quickly—but I have never forgotten that feeling of total fear—now imagine having to live your whole life like that.

Yes, mental illness is a disease which CAN be controlled-sometimes only with medicines which can bring about other problems, like weight gain. But as Carol A Kivler, MS, CSP states in this tiny little book (smaller then a pocket calendar) taking charge of what you can take charge of, like your attitude and lifestyle, can make a world of difference.

Within these 60 short pages she outlines 26 very easy ways to help yourself deal with this medical condition. There are references that you can look up—ways to make you feel that you are not alone!

From the back cover:

"The idea for a handy pocket guide of recovery strategies has bloomed over the last several years as I spoke to both individuals with mental illness and their loved ones. During those conversations, the topic of how to stay in recovery for longer periods was one of the top discussion points.
Between the covers of this guide are 26 strategies that have been helpful in my own recovery journey. Just remember that no two mental health journeys are identical.
Find the combination of strategies that work best for you, and even add a few of your own. Our collective goal is to sustain recovery."

For more information go to:
(Raising Awareness, Instilling Hope, Combating Stigma (her blog)

You can purchase this book at

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Anonymous said... 1

What a great review and a great topic! Mental illness is often misunderstood and it's great to take the time to change the misconceptions!

Lisa Weidknecht said... 2

Mental illness is so often misunderstood. This sounds like a great book.

Unknown said... 3

This really looks like an awesome book. I think I need to check it out. With my youngest son having bi-polar we have learned so much over the last 3 years since he was diagnosed, I think this would help us and him as he gets older.

Brauwin said... 4

Thanks for the great review, as a nurse I think we tend as a society to push mental health under the rug a lot and that the road to mental health begins with hope

momto8 said... 5

great review..the world needs more education on mental illness for sure!!I am your newest follower pls follow back if you can.

Anonymous said... 6

What a Fantastic Review and Glad to hear others speaking out about Mental illness. It really is so misunderstood. I suffered some serious Panic disorder for many many many years and at one point was housebound it was terrible. I have since learned to live and cope with meds and am a completely different person.

Sounds like a wonderful book.
kevin @ Linkies contest Linkies

Unknown said... 7

Thank you for this review and post. It is something very near and dear to my heart. I have panic disorder, anxiety, and depression. It's taken me years to get control of it but I still have my moments. Man was it scary when I was not in control. I am visiting from Thirsty Thursday. This sounds like a great book.

Karen F said... 8

Great post!! I suffer from occasional Anxiety/Panic Attacks ... coping with meds ;.)

Stopping by from the Alexa Drop Hop!!

Mommy's Moments

Unknown said... 9

I can imagine because I suffer from chronic depression. Drugs don't work for me so I live with it.

Unknown said... 10

Loved your review. I treat depression and anxiety and it's a constant battle

Janet said... 11

I worked in a mental health office (in patient coordination/medical records/billing) when I was in college. I learned so much about it and was able to pinpoint that I had suffered from depression most of my life!! My family's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" attitude never really worked for me before that!!

Stacey Donaldson said... 12

Incredible review. I think this subject needs to be talked about much more. I agree with Janet, I have seen many people go undiagnosed and untreated because they were raised to "buck up." I am glad that therapy and treatment is much more exceptable these days, although there are still some issues.

Celebrate Woman said... 13

Thank you for sharing. It's very personal. So much trouble and pain is caused by such prescriptions. We need a huge support group for people in such conditions.
Again, thank you.

Unknown said... 14

Thank you for sharing this wonderful review. I have a family member that suffered terribly while trying to come off medication.

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