$25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card-Ends 12/27-Mid-winter's Eve Blog Hop | Miki's Hope

$25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card-Ends 12/27-Mid-winter's Eve Blog Hop

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This Giveaway is now closed!! Thank you everyone for entering--there were 477 comments!! So what number did Random.org pop up with?

BookAttict said... 242

Happy Holidays & thanks for the giveaway!

Comgratulations!! You won the $25 Barnes & Nobel Gift Certificate! I will be sending you an email in a few and all you have to do is within 48 hours reply back with your full name and mailing address--I will get it out to you!!



Mandatory: Follow me on either G 1 or GFC

Extra: Follow me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter
Sign up for my emails or RSS

That's it!! Just remember to put your email address in each and every comment you make so that when I go to Random.org at the end of this contest I will know where to email the winner!! Once you have received my email you will have 48 hours to reply!

Good Luck all--Now go and enter all the other great giveaways below!

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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MBR said...

just added you to my google circle. heinzmom at hotmail dot com

MBR said...

i like you on facebook heinzmom at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said...

i follow via GFC

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said...

i follow via FB

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said...

email subscriber

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Carol M said...

I follow on GFC.
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Carol M said...

I like you on Facebook.
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Carol M said...

I follow on Twitter - CarolAnnM
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Carol M said...

I subscribe by email.
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Leann said...

following on GFC. chefl@swbell.net

Unknown said...

Follow you on GFC

Name: Sarah Walker

Email: sreis1987@gmail.com

GFC: sreis87

Leann said...

fan on facebook. chefl@swbell.net

Leann said...

email subscriber. chefl@swbell.net

Unknown said...

Follow you on Facebook

Name: Sarah Walker

Email: sreis1987@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sreis1987

Unknown said...

Follow you on Twitter

Name: Sarah Walker

Email: sreis1987@gmail.com

Twitter: @lover2387

Unknown said...

Signed up for your emails

Name: Sarah Walker

Email: sreis1987@gmail.com

Paula L. said...

I follow via G1. Paula Lee
jandplee at att dot net

Paula L. said...

I Follow you on Facebook. Paula Lee
jandplee at att dot net

Paula L. said...

I Follow you via twitter. paulaslee

jandplee at att dot net

Paula L. said...

I subscribe via email.
jandplee at att dot net

Cathy W said...

Follow via GFC (Cathy Wallace)
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

Cathy W said...

Like you on Facebook (Cathy Wallace)
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

Cathy W said...

Follow you on twitter @cjwallace43
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

Cathy W said...

Subscribe by email

cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

Carol L. said...

I've added you to my circles in Google + under Carol Luciano.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

GFC nae is Lucky47
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Email subscriber
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Google Feed under caroluci47 and Lucky4750(at)aol (dot)com.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Krystal Larson said...

GFC Krystal Larson Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Krystal Larson said...

email subscribed edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

Jessica Ward said...

I am following you on Google Plus

jessica.ward.ss at gmail dot com

Jessica Ward said...

I am a fan on Facebook
(my fb name is Jessica Beyt)

jessica.ward.ss at gmail dot com

Jessica Ward said...

i am following you on Twitter

jessica.ward.ss at gmail dot com

Jessica Ward said...

I am subscribed to your email newsletter

jessica.ward.ss at gmail dot com

Kitty said...

gfc follower


Kitty said...

Like you on FB

Jackie said...

I follow on gfc (Jackie)
Thank you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle. Not sure if i was supposed to post separately for each one, or not, but will do it all in one post if that's okay

i follow you via twitter as mitzi_wanham,
i get your emails at mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com
i am a GFC follower Marianne Barkman
i follow you on facebook Marianne Barkman

Thanks for the giveaway, and i love your blog and posts

Ana Norte said...

Thank you for the kind giveaway!

GFC Ana Norte

Ana Norte said...

+1 Twitter follower: @doka_ana

GFC Ana Norte

Ana Norte said...

+1 Facebook follower: Ana Luisa Cunha Norte

GFC Ana Norte

Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...

GFC: Jennifer @ The Book Nympho
thebooknympho AT gmail.com

Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...

+1 Twitter: @TheBookNympho
thebooknympho AT gmail.com

Stephanie said...

GFC follower (Stephanie)
mrshud at cox dot net

Stephanie said...

I like you on FB (Stephanie B.H.)
mrshud at cox dot net

Stephanie said...

email subscriber
mrshud at cox dot net

Stephanie said...

I am a GFC follower


Stephanie said...

I follow you by email


MamaMunky said...

I follow on GFC as mamamunky.


Suz said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!
- follow on GFC as Suz
- Like you on FB as Suz Reads
- follow you on Twitter @SuzReads

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Runaway Bridal Planner said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Follow GFC Runaway Bridal Planner
Twitter: RunawayBPlanner


Jenny @ Book Sojourner said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Jenny

tea4my3 at gmail dot com

Jenny @ Book Sojourner said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Email follower:

tea4my3 at gmail dot com

Jenny @ Book Sojourner said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Twitter follower: tea4my3

tea4my3 at gmail dot com

Jenny @ Book Sojourner said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Facebook: Jenny Weed Vasquez

tea4my3 at gmail dot com

Chris said...

Happy Mid-Winter! Thanks for the great giveaway.

-GFC: Nerfreader
-Twitter: Nerfreader
-FB: Chris K

nerfreader at gmail dot com

Stacy Taylor said...

Following you on GFC: Stacy Taylor


Stacy Taylor said...

Facebook follower: Stacy Taylor


Stacy Taylor said...

Twitter follower: @st1663


Stacy Taylor said...

Email subscriber: stacy1663(at)gmail(dot)com

Happy holidays!

Judy said...

Thanks for your giveaway.

GFC follower-judy


Judy said...

G+1 follower-judy c.


Judy said...

liked you on Facebook-judy c


Judy said...

Follow you on twitter @ladymagnolia99


Judy said...

Email subscriber


Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC, Twitter, FB, & Email.

Terri M

FreeIndeed said...

g+ follower, anna pry, thepryfamily@gmail.com

Kristie Betts said...

Following you on GFC: Momfreebies

Kristie Betts

Kristie Betts said...

Following you on facebook: Kristie Betts

Kristie Betts

Kristie Betts said...

Following on Twitter: Momfreebies

Kristie Betts

Kristie Betts said...

Sign up for my emails: Momsfreebies17@yahoo.com

Kristie Betts

Literary Winner said...

I ”like” you on Facebook. (Maggie D C)

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

Lee Black said...

I follow via GFC

serafyn12 at yahoo dot com

Nedraw said...

GFC Nedraw

Liked you on Facebook Nedra Whittemore

ann said...

GFC follower-amhengst
amhengst at verizon dot net

Lee Black said...

I like you on Facebook as Lee Black

serafyn12 at yahoo dot com

ann said...

I like Mikis Hope on FB-amhengst
amhengst at verizon dot net

Lee Black said...

I follow on twitter as weeperwillow

serafyn12 at yahoo dot com

Bianca Roman said...

Following via GFC (Bianca Roman)


Bianca Roman said...

Already a fan on Facebook (Bianca Roman)


Bianca Roman said...

Following on Twitter (@supbonka)


Bianca Roman said...

already subscribed to emails. email used yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com


SacredmOOn said...

I didn't see a follow by emails link?
Thanks for this generous giveaway! Happy Holidays!
GFC & FB & Google+ ~ DeAnna Schultz

Carrie Smart said...

GFC follower (Carrie Smart)


SarahS. said...

GFC follower: sarah_sal90
sarah_sal90 AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for the giveaway and for making it so easy! (=

Carrie Smart said...

I follow you on fb (Carrie Smart)


Carrie Smart said...

I follow you on twitter @butterflies0218


Carrie Smart said...

I am a RSS subscriber with google reader


Nikki said...

I follow on GFC (loverofanimals49)


Nikki said...

I follow on Facebook (Nikki Pedergnana)


Nikki said...

I Follow on Twitter (THEQueenCobra)


Library Lady said...

GFC Follower Library Lady
adsanders77 at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

I'm an email subscriber


Colleen Boudreau said...

I follow you via GFC (collifornia)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said...

I like your Facebook page (colleen boudreau)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said...

I'm signed up to your blog via RSS feed.
holliister at gmail dot com

Gi-Gi said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

GFC: Gi-Gi http://imaginationsurroundstheworld.blogspot.com/

Email Subscription: rottinawayxP(at)yahoo(dot)com

Follow on Facebook: Gi-Gi OMFSM

deanna_boocock said...

I follow on GFC

justpeachy36 said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. I am a GFC follower!


latanya t said...

gfc follower

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

I follow you on twitter

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

I like you on facebook

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

google reader subscriber

dlatany at gmail dot com

Cricket said...

GFC Cricket

lilcrickit at gmail dot com

Cricket said...

via FB as Little Library Muse

lilcrickit at gmail dot com

Cricket said...

twitter: @lilcrickit

lilcrickit at gmail dot com

Cricket said...

RSS follower

lilcrickit at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow on GFC as teressa oliver
teressaoliver at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

get your email
teressaoliver at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

follow on fb as teressa oliver
teressaoliver at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

follow twitter as tynapier1
teressaoliver at gmail dot com

Michelle Fidler said...

Facebook & GFC - Michelle Fidler
Twitter - MichelleFidler1


nayjf said...

I follow via GFC


nayjf at yahoo dot com

nayjf said...

i follow via twitter-


nayjf at yahoo dot com

nayjf said...

I follow on FB

Antane A

nayjf at yahoo dot com

nayjf said...

I am a confirmed email subscriber!

nayjf at yahoo dot com

Sophia Rose said...

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

GFC, google+, G1, and RSS: Sophia Rose
FB: Sally Michele Shaw


BRN2SHOP9 said...

following via gfc

brn2shop9 at gmail dot com

Lolawid said...

GFC follower. Thanks!

widsfam7 @ digis dot net

Benji @ The Non Reluctant Reader said...

Followed via GFC

Akoss said...

I'm a GFC follower.
Thanks for being so generous :)


Patrice said...

GFC- Patrice


marian said...



Stephanie said...

Follow you on g1 and gfc: steph4575
steph4575 at msn dot com

Stephanie said...

like you on facebook
stephanie hirsch
steph4575 at msn dot com

Stephanie said...

follow you on rss
steph4575 at msn dot com

Stephanie said...

follow you on twitter @steph4575
steph4575 at msn dot com

Mary said...

I follow on GFC (mamie316) Happy holidays and thanks for the giveaway.


mamabunny13 said...

I follow on g+ as connie shelor
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said...

I follow on facebook-mamabunny shelor
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said...

I follow on twitter @mamabunny13
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Veronica W. said...

Facebook: Veronica Walker
Followed by Email: roniwalker7@gmail.com
GFC: Veronica W.

Cathy M said...

happy holidays

gfc follower

cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

mary fallon said...

I follow via gfc as sweetpea0861


mary fallon said...

i follow on fb as mary becker


mary fallon said...

i follow via email


Cathy M said...

subscribe rss feed

cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Cathy M said...

liked on fb as cathy macdonald

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Candie L said...

I am following on google friend connect. Thank you


Sayeth said...

I follow by GFC = Listener

mrsethjones AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating
i follow via GFC - Marianne Barkman


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Randi M said...

I'm a GFC follower - Randi M. :)

Thank you for the giveaway!
randi.wedekind at gmail.com

Unknown said...

Delete Comment From: Miki's Hope

Marianne said...
i subscribe by email. (Only those blogs i really like i do this for)


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!

GFC Follower


Unknown said...

Facebook Follower


Unknown said...

Twitter Follower @Beesha1


Unknown said...

i follow via Facebook - Marianne Barkman


Unknown said...

RSS Subscriber


Unknown said...

i follow via twitter mitzi_wanham


anme said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
I am a FB follower as anme burgess
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

elin said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
GFC pinkflower
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said...

FB allie lin
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

elin said...

Twitter @pinkflower636
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

April Trent said...

I follow you on GFC as April Trent 313 @ gmail.com

April Trent said...

I follow you on FB as April Clark Trent. April Trent 313 @ gmail.com

April Trent said...

I follow on twitter @apriltrent313

April Trent said...

I follow you through email/RSS feed april trent 313 @gmail.com

Unknown said...

GFC Moirae book reviews


Lori Thomas said...

gfc(Lori Thomas)

ctymice at gmail dot com

Lori Thomas said...

Follow u on Facebook(Tudor Rose)

ctymice at gmail dot com

Lori Thomas said...

Follow u on Twitter(CrftyDuchess)

ctymicce at gmail dot com

Lori Thomas said...

email subscriber

ctymice at gmail dot com

Bekka said...

GFC follower: Bekka


Jan Messali said...

I follow you via GFC as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said...

I follow you on Facebook as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said...

I follow yyou on Twitter as janj4c.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

GFC Follower: Leah

leah49 (at) gmail (dot) com

dookiepookiebear said...

ty for the giveaway
gfc dookiepookiebear

Anne said...

Thanks for participating.

GFC Anne38
Twitter acm05
FB Anne M.


The Lovely Reader said...

GFC Follower - The Lovely Reader

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

The Lovely Reader said...

Also follow you on twitter - @barbrafl

Happy Holidays :)

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Donna said...

GFC Follower - The Happy Booker

ahappybooker at gmail dot com

Donna said...

Follow you on Facebook - Donna Smith

Donna @ The Happy Booker
ahappybooker at gmail dot com

Donna said...

Follow via RSS in Google Reader

Donna @ The Happy Booker
ahappybooker at gmail dot com

Donna said...

Follow on Twitter @Donna224

Donna @ The Happy Booker
ahappybooker at gmail dot com

samantha35 said...

great giveaway
follow via gfc- samantha35

Liese2 said...

I follow on Facebook as Lisa Fisher Walker sqwalker2@hotmail.com
I follow on twitter as Liese2
I follow on Google + as Lisa Walker
I subscribe to your email sqwalker2@hotmail.com

Sarah C. said...

Thanks for the Giveaway!
GFC; Sarah E. Cruz


Sarah C. said...

Thanks for the Giveaway!
Twitter; @saii15


Sarah C. said...

Thanks for the Giveaway!
FB; Sarah Ebbith Cruz Aponte


Unknown said...

Thank you!
following via GFC - kelley Johnsen

kelleynutrition at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Following on twitter @kelleynutrition

kelleynutrition at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Following on facebook
kelley Johnsen

kelleynutrition at gmail dot com

Tiffany Drew said...

Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays :)

GFC follower tiffany drew

sarah said...

GFC: sarah
Twitter: @sarahsgreen

beofgoodcheer85 at yahoo dot com

Tiffany Drew said...

Facebook follower tiffany drew


Tiffany Drew said...

Twitter follower @enterthedrew


Tiffany Drew said...

email subscriber


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas.
Twitter: lazenbeauty

elis said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
GFC elis t

eek031880@hotmail.com said...

I follow you via GFC.
Username: eek031880

eek031880@hotmail.com said...

I like you on Facebook.
Username: E.e. Kaulfuss

eek031880@hotmail.com said...

I follow you on Twitter.
Username: @EEK_031880

eek031880@hotmail.com said...

I subscribe via RSS.

Holly said...

Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!

GFC (hhollyhal)
hhollyhal at gmail dot com

Holly said...

I follow you on twitter @hhollyhaland

hhollyhal at gmail dot com

Holly said...

I follow on RSS (Google Reader)

hhollyhal at gmail dot com

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