November Giveaway Hop - $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card 11/11 | Miki's Hope

November Giveaway Hop - $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card 11/11

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank you so much for all your entries!! WOW--508 in 4 Days!! Just got back from and out of the 508 entries the winning number is........

Andrea I said... 497

GFC follower - Andrea I

Twitter - @lillieblue613

Facebook - Andrea Infinger

Congratulations Andrea on winning the 25.00 Barnes & Noble GC!! In a few minutes I will be emailing you--all you have to do is reply to my email with your full name and address and I will send you your $25.00 GC!!

There is another BIGGIE going on right now--it is a Rafflecopter one and the prize is $250.00 to one winner---so go enter right now--and there will be other money prizes on Miki's Hope throughout the remainder of this year--so keep watching!!

November Giveaway Hop - Nov. 8th to 11th - Co-hosted by I am a Reader, Not a Writer and Tristi Pinkston

Miki's Hope is offering one lucky reader a $25 Gift Card to Barnes & Noble!!

This giveaway will end at midnight on 11/11. Open to US residents. Winner will be announced here and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize. Mandatory entry must be completed first or bonus entries don't count. Please leave one comment per task you complete and leave your email address so you can be notified if you win.

Mandatory Entry:
Follow us via GFC

Bonus Entries:
Like Us on Facebook
Follow Us on Twitter

Now go hop around to some other GREAT blogs and enter to win some more great prizes.

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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Nikki said...

New Follower! GFC

Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

Nikki said...

New Follower! Twitter

Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

Nikki said...

Liked on FB! Nikkiat BooksMostWanted

Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

Book Loving Mommy said...

I follow through GFC (Book Loving Mommy)


Book Loving Mommy said...

I follow you on Twitter (@booklovingmommy)

Book Loving Mommy said...

I liked you on FB (Gary N Jessica Manning)


Unknown said...

I follow you via GFC!


katvela12345 AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I follow via twitter!


Unknown said...

I follow via fb! Kat Vela


Gi-Gi said...

I follow via GFC


I follow via fb


Jess said...

I followed on FB
Gfc follower- WonderlandREviews

Unknown said...

I follow via GFC

Unknown said...

I like you on facebook

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter as SheriCarpenter

Bianca Roman said...

Following via GFC (Bianca Roman)


Bianca Roman said...

Already a fan on Facebook (Bianca Roman)


Bianca Roman said...

Following on Twitter (@supbonka)


Nicole said...

I'm a follower!

Nicole said...

I like on FB!

Nicole said...

...and I follow on Twitter!

Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads said...

New follower on blog: Jennifer Bielman


Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads said...

New Follower on Twitter: JenniferBielman


Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads said...

Liked on Facebook: Jennifer Bielman


Jackie said...

I follow via google friend connect (Jackie)
Thank you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I Like Miki's Hope on facebook
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Janelle said...

Old follower!
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this fantabulous giveaway!

Megan McGowan Parsons said...

I follow via GFC (MeganP)
makeighleekyleigh at yahoo dot com

Megan McGowan Parsons said...

I like you on facebook
makeighleekyleigh at yahoo dot com

Betty Roberts said...

GFC follower :) angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

Betty Roberts said...

fan on facebook angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

Betty Roberts said...

twitter follower @angelgenius27 angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

Christine Savinelli said...

Follow blog via GFC

Christine Savinelli said...

I liked you on Facebook!

Jen at A Heart Full of Love said...

Facebook fan (Jen Voss)

heartfulloflove93 (at)

ShadowsTomes said...

I follow you by GFC: Melissa Caldwell

ShadowsTomes said...

I liked you on FB (Lexley)

ShadowsTomes said...

I follow on twitter (@lexley)

skbaron said...

I follow on GFC (skbaron04)

Kindra Baron

skbaron said...

I like your FB page!

Kindra Baron

Paula L. said...

I Follow via GFC.
jandplee at att(dot)net

Paula L. said...

I Like you on Facebook

Paula L. said...

I follow via twitter.

Suz said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway - ! I follow on GFC as Suz and I would love to win!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Suz said...

Like you on FB as Suz Reads!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Suz said...

Follow you on twitter as SuzReads!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Unknown said...

Thats lots of entries lisapeters at yahoo dot com I follow GFC thanks also Twitter as Cenneidigh

Unknown said...

Twitter as Cenneidigh lisapeters at yahoo dot com thanks

Krystal Larson said...

Thank you so much for the awesome prize! GFC Krystal Larson edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

Krystal Larson said...

fb Lindsay Ann edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

Krystal Larson said...

twitter Icecream1891 edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

slzz said...

GFC follower slzz

slzz said...

Twitter follower slzzzz

throuthehaze said...

Like you on Facebook-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

follow on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

GFC Follower - Anastasia

Unknown said...

Like you on Facebook - Chi Shannon

ham1299 said...

I follow via GFC.


Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter - @enter_now

ham1299 said...

I follow via Twitter (@ProudBookNerd)


Stephanie said...

GFC follower (Stephanie)
mrshud at cox dot net

Stephanie said...

I like you on FB (Stephanie B.H.)
mrshud at cox dot net

Amy W. said...

GFC follower cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I like you on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Unknown said...

Following on GFC! Thanks for the great giveaway!


Melanie McCullough said...

GFC Follower Melanie McCullough
Melanie.M.McCullough at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Like you on facebook!

Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter!

Darlene said...

+1 like you on Facebook
(Darlene's Book Nook)

GFC Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+1 following on Twitter (@DarleneBookNook)

GFC Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Holly said...

Following you on GFC.

Holly said...

Following you on facebook.

Holly said...

Following you on twitter as mrshollyhobbie.

Mona said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)
GFC(Mona Garg)


Mona said...

Like you on FB(Mona Garg)

Mona said...

Follow on Twitter(@Kulmona)

Leann said...

Following on GFC.

Leann said...

Fan on FB.

Unknown said...

Following your blog!

Unknown said...

Following on FaceBook - Linda Bowers Bolton

Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter - lindalou42

lindseybousfield said...

I'm a follower (leebee190), I follow on twitte(lizzy1931) and I liked on FB.


Donna said...

new follower
GFC donna
follow on twitter @ljldml
and I like on FB

Hot Off the Shelves said...

New follower. Thanks for the giveaway.


Hot Off the Shelves said...

+1 Like on Facebook


Hot Off the Shelves said...

+1 Follow on Twitter as Desti999

jasmyn9[at]hotmail[dot]com said...

I like you on Facebook.
E.e. Kaulfuss said...

I follow you on Twitter.

Amanda Welling said...

I follow GFC Amanda Welling

Amanda Welling said...

I follow on Facebook: Amanda Welling

Amanda Welling said...

I follow on Twitter: @HippesBeuTBooks

Lori A. said...

Follow via GFC
ljatwood at gmail dot com

Lori A. said...

"Like" you on facebook
ljatwood at gmail dot com

Lori A. said...

follow on twitter
ljatwood at gmail dot com

Angie said...

GFC: Angie
Email: osnapitzAngiex3(AT)aol(DOT)com

Alex Liz R. said...

GFC Follower: arobinson45

Gabi said...

GFC follower: Gabi
e-mail: teddycavygal at yahoo dot com

Thanks for the giveaway!

The Happy Booker said...

Thanks for having such a generous giveaway and for being a part of this November Giveaway Hop!! I follow via GFC -The Happy Booker

Donna @ The Happy Booker
ahappybooker at gmail dot com

The Happy Booker said...

Twitter follower donna224

Donna @ The Happy Booker
ahappybooker at gmail dot com

The Happy Booker said...

Facebook Follower The Happy Booker

Donna @ The Happy Booker
ahappybooker at gmail dot com

Nedraw said...

New GFC follower Nedraw

Anonymous said...

dthicks14 at yahoo dot com
thanks :)

Wolfluvr420 said...

GFC follower: wolfluvr420

wolfluvr420 at yahoo dot com

Wolfluvr420 said...

Liked on Facebook: Hannah E. Spainhour

wolfluvr420 at yahoo dot com

Wolfluvr420 said...

Twitter follower: wolfluvr420

wolfluvr420 at yahoo dot com

Danielle S said...

FB fan
danielle sg

Danielle S said...

twitter follower

Judy said...

GFC follower-judy

Thanks for giveaway.


Mare/TommyGirl said...

follow on GFC as TommyGirl

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Judy said...

Liked on Facebook-judy c


Mare/TommyGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judy said...

Twitter follower @ladymagnolia99


Mare/TommyGirl said...

follow on twitter as tommygirl

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

(Sorry about deleting comment - mistyped info)

anme said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
I am a twitter follower as msaching
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I follow Via GFC (mommy0306) FB (mommy0306) & Twitter (okmommy0306)

Terri M

maria g said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

I'm following you via gfc - maria g.

hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com

BookStacksOnDeck said...

Great giveaway! :D
GFC: BookStacksOnDeck

BookStacksOnDeck said...

+1 following on twitter (@hrrrthrrrdm)

The Romanceaholic said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
The Romanceaholic

GFC The Romanceaholic
romanceaholic at gmail dot com

The Romanceaholic said...

Following on Twitter @RomanceaholicBr

The Romanceaholic

Michele said...

Thanks for the giveaway

GFC Michele LUker

jmluker at winco dot net

Unknown said...

Great giveaway :0)


Unknown said...

Twitter Stalker

thanks again for the chance to win


Unknown said...

Like you on FB
Bj Gaskill


Unknown said...


kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

LIke on FB

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow on twitter as @stickyprints

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

kristina shields said...

thx for the great giveaway!

gfc follower: kristina shields

kristina shields said...

liked on fb: kris shed

Colleen Boudreau said...

I follow via GFC (collifornia)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said...

I like on FB (colleen boudreau)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said...

I follow on Twitter (@collifornia)
holliister at gmail dot com

Megan (Inspired by Fiction) said...

Old follower :)

inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

Megan (Inspired by Fiction) said...

Twitter follower too...@inspiredfiction

inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

SarahS. said...

Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway.
GFC - Ronyka7

flaka.077 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

follow on Twitter - @Ronyk7

flaka.077 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Like FB - Ronyka Briseno

flaka.077 at gmail dot com

KCarey said...

^^ Just started to follow you. I love the look of your site. So pretty.

CrystalGB said...

Awesome giveaway. Count me in please.
Follower CrystalGB

CrystalGB said...

Like on facebook Crystal Broyles

Janiera said...

I'm a GFC follower: Janiera

Janiera said...

Followed you on twitter: lazenbeauty

Paula L. said...

I follow on GFC, twitter and FB.
jandplee at att dot net

Ironstrangeprompts said...

GFC- Deranged Pegasus

Texas Book Lover said...

New GFC follower: Maria (pronounced Mariah)

Thanks for the giveaway!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said...

Twitter too: @Maria_Smith_76

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said...

FB: Maria Smith

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

brendajean said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!
gfc follower
Liked on FB

bchild5 at aol dot com

Mariee said...

Great giveaway!

GFC: Mariee
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Mariee said...

Twitter follower: marieimy

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Ryan said...

following on gfc via rypm25

Sophia Rose said...

I also liked your Face Book page as Sally Michele Shaw.

Ryan said...

like on facebook

Ryan said...

following on twitter via rypm25

Yesenia said...

thanks for the giveaway. GFC follower as Yesenia Morales.

Sonya said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Sonya
Sonyacullen at gmail dot com

Juana said...

I liked you on FB = Juana Esparza


NicoleW said...

new follower on GFC nicolew

NicoleW said...

liked you on facebook

Maureen said...

follow on GFC - maureen
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Maureen said...

like you on facebook - maureen carol
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Maureen said...

follow you on twitter - MaureenCE
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

In Julie's Opinion said...

GFC follower: Julie Witt
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I like you on FB: Julie Witt

jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I follow you on Twitter: @jwitt33

jwitt33 at live dot com

Anonymous said...

GFC follower: becca pressnall
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

twitter follower: @becca9916
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

FB follower: becca pressnall
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Sarah C. said...

Thanks for the Giveaway!
GFC Follower; Sarah E. Cruz
FB Follower; Sarah Ebbith Cruz Aponte
Twitter Follower; @saii15


amanda hoffman said...

gfc amanda hoffman
amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com

amanda hoffman said...

facebook amanda hoffman
amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com

amanda hoffman said...

twitter pinkghosta
amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com

Nay Nay said...

GFC Follower: Nay Nay

Thank you for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Reena Jacobs said...

I am a GFC Follower (Reena Jacobs)

Reena Jacobs said...

I am a twitter follower (reenajacobs)
reenajacobs at reenajacobs dot com

Reena Jacobs said...

I facebook liked your page. :)
reenajacobs at reenajacobs dot com

Unknown said...

GFC name Moirae book reviews.


Unknown said...

GFC name Moirae book reviews.


Megan said...

I follow with GFC- Megan Kyser

AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Twitter name @Moiraethefates


Megan said...

I like your FB Page- Megan Kyser

AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

Anonymous said...

Like you on FB!

Megan said...

I follow you on Twitter- @mekyser

AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

Anonymous said...

Follow you via twitter@tmt121172

Patrice said...

GFC follower- Patrice

Patrice said...

twitter follower- pixiepuff2006

Patrice said...

Facebook follower- Patrice Zurek

Meghan @ Books and a Cup of Tea said...

Following via GFC: Meghan Saldecki


Meghan @ Books and a Cup of Tea said...

Following via Twitter: leggomymeggox


Memrie said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC - Memrie


Memrie said...

Facebook - Memrie Harris


Memrie said...

Twitter Follower - @darkangel231988


ellepaulette said...

New follower here!


ellepaulette said...

New follower on twitter:


ellepaulette said...

Liked on Facebook:


Miss Sara said...

I'm a public GFC Follower
Email Add: misssld2u (at) gmail (dot) com

Stormy said...

Follower GFC! :D

Miss Sara said...

I follow you on twitter via @winmisssld2u
Email Add: misssld2u (at) gmail (dot) com

Coleen Patrick said...

Hi new GFC follower here!
coleen (at) coleenpatrick (dot) com

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