Book Giveaway-Shortcuts to Inner Peace by Ashley Davis Bush-Ends 12/24 | Miki's Hope

Book Giveaway-Shortcuts to Inner Peace by Ashley Davis Bush-Ends 12/24

Monday, November 21, 2011

This giveaway is now over--I have been to and out of 88 really nice entries #51 popped up!!
Linda Trinklein said... 51

Daily tweet 12/17

Congratulations Linda!! I will be sending you a copy of Shortcuts to Inner Peace by Ashley Davis Bush as soon as you reply to the email(within 48 hours)that I will be sending you in a few moments with your name and address.

Thank you again everyone for entering and please be sure to enter all the other great contests I have going on right now (more to come!)

My life has been rather a shambles for a couple of months now. Normally I am able to shrug life’s inconsistencies off—but I was being worn down by my job. Now I know I am a good bookkeeper and I know I know what I am doing. But the accountant was trying for some reason I can not fathom to convince my boss otherwise-or so it seemed to me (actually still does). Luckily my boss knows better-but he tends to listen to that accountant and because he (my boss) tends to like to make people do things the way he wants them to do it (not necessarily the easiest way) I not only feel like I have been put through a wringer—I have!! I began to doubt myself and got into a serious depression.
At about this time I received an email asking if I would review “Shortcuts to Inner Peace” by Ashley Davis Bush. I agreed and waited for the book to arrive. Well, the book came—and I looked at it for a moment—hum—70 Simple Paths to Everyday Serenity—

Then I started to read it—admittedly there were tears in my eyes when I first started it because I had had a particularly bad day. I got through the first few chapters and had to put it down, but I was thinking to myself—you know—I think this might just help me.
The next evening I picked up this little book again and really began to read it. The next day I found myself actually doing some of the truly simple tasks. And these shortcuts really seem to work, each day I am becoming less and less depressed.

“The Shortcuts system works for two important reasons;

1. The tools are simple and very effective
2. The tools are linked to already existing triggers in your life

One of the author’s favorite quotes and now one of mine is

Peace: It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart –Anonymous

Ashley Davis Bush is a licensed psychotherapist and grief counselor in private practice and I for one thank her for this book from the bottom of my heart.

This book can be purchased at Amazon (and if you don’t win it I suggest you go buy it)

One extremely lucky reader is going to win this book—I was graciously given a second copy to give away. Please remember to put your email address in every comment you make –because if, when I get back at the end of this giveaway from—I need to be able to contact the winner. The winner, of course, will have 48 hours to reply to my email.

Mandatory: Visit Ashley Davis Bush’s website and tell me what you think

Extra: Like Ashley Bush Davis on Facebook (on her website)
Follow Ashley Bush Davis on Twitter (on her website)
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I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Happy Gardening, Kim said...

I like her "other" book Transcending Loss. She has a very warm blog.

rememberkim @ verizon . net

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

I liked her FB Page.


rememberkim @ verizon . net

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

I follow Ashley Davis Bush on Twitter

rememberkim @ verizon . net

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

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rememberkim @ verizon . net

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

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rememberkim @ verizon . net

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

I liked this post.

rememberkim @ verizon . net

Lyndsey said...

What a thoughtful giveaway for this time of year. I loved what Ashley says on her site: "A few years ago, my husband and I began choosing sparkling wine on our evening restaurant dates. Often the waiter will ask us if we are celebrating anything special. “Yes,” we answer, “This moment.” Let’s celebrate." Great philosophy.

Cathy C said...

i liked her on FB and love what Ashley has to say about trying experiences being lessons for our perspnal growth. would love to read her book- thanks for this giveaway!

Debby M said...

I love her website....something I really needed right now! And would also love to read her book "Transcending Loss.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

Debby M said...

I like Ashley on FB.

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I follow Ashley on Twitter.

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Bee W Bedard said...

Great website
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

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brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

Ashley Davis Bush said...

Hi Miki,
This is Ashley, the author of the book "Shortcuts to Inner Peace" (and "Transcending Loss"). I just wanted to thank you for your kind and thoughtful praise. I'm so glad that you've found my book to be so helpful! I want to wish you and your readers a peaceful holiday season that continues now and far into the future. In peace, Ashley

Unknown said...

She has quite a few books help out in various times of need - thanks for sharing :)
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said...

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Janice Crespo
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

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janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like her website. She seems very inspiring and her books very helpful for promoting positive growth. thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Booksandboston AT gmail DOT com

tarter95 said...

What a neat perspective she has! I really like the resources on her webpage.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com

sweety said...

After visiting Ashley Davis Bush's blog i came to know about her other book "Transcending Loss" and i like it!!

Thanks for the giveaway :)


sweety said...

I am a GFC follower.

GFC name - sweety


sweety said...

I Follow you on Facebook as " Rosemarie Dimitri Belikov "


Laura Creazzo said...

I think that her books sound really interesting and could probably provide some really great insight. wifeof(at)leloncreazzo(dot)com

Laura Creazzo said...

I liked her on facebook. wifeof(at)leloncreazzo(dot)com

Laura Creazzo said...

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Laura Creazzo said...

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I subscribe to your emails. wifeof(at)leloncreazzo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I think the website has a lot of valuable information especially for someone in need of hope.
shannonw at peacelovepoop dot com

Linda Trinklein said...

I visited the website.. looks great \ I would love to read this!!!

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

i Like Ashley Bush Davis on facebook


lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

Im following Ashley on twitter

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

im following via gfc

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

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lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

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lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

I like this post!

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

tweeted 12/15

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said...

Daily tweet 12/16

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Anonymous said...

i think the book sounds interesting. I haven't read thsi type of genre before

uk7ss AT yahoo Dot com

Anonymous said...

i am a public gfc follower as uk7ss AT yahoo DOT com

uk7ss AT yahoo DOT com

Grace said...

I really enjoyed her positive outlook on life.
blessed elements @ g mail dot com

Diane Melendez said...

I visited her site and am both impressed and excited by her books and the help they offer. This world is a challenge to live in and finding peace is priceless.

Diane Melendez said...

I liked Ashley's Facebook page.

Diane Melendez said...

Following you on GF as Kui900

Diane Melendez said...

I liked this post.

Diane Melendez said...

I liked you FB page.

Diane Melendez said...

I tweeted this giveaway.!/Meecee/status/148268661193457664

Bridge said...

I was moved by hearing how she felt he husband opened her heart and that it was up to her to keep it opened. It is a lovely way to show her love for him while being open to the present.

Bridge said...
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Bridge said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed : )

shelby said...

I love the website it is comforting and beautiful, I saw that she has more books my family could use the one on loss

pmj said...

transending loss is another book she wrote
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

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shortcuts to inner piece
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aol dot com

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pamela j

pjames330 at aol dot com

Bee W Bedard said...!/BeeWBedard/status/149334818096816128
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

Theresa said...

She seems like a pretty amazing person

Theresa said...

I like you on fb

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Theresa said...

Like post on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=155717101199815&id=100002845798526

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pmh said...

i follow you on facebook

pmh said...

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pmh said...

after reviewing her website and comments, I feel she is certainly insightful and has a certain degree of wisdoma nd personal knowledge about the topics she discusses. I would be very much interested in reading her publications. thanks so much for the opportuniyt to win on tf her books.

pmh said...

like the blog post

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tweeted under pennymhyde

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Rebecca said...

I like the mindfulness part of her blog. The idea of ways to develop empathy and compassion was thought-provoking.

Rebecca said...

I follow you on GFC - rrgreene62

Brittany Boardley said...

She seems to really be trying to help people.

Brittany Boardley said...

following her on twitter

Brittany Boardley said...

gfc follower: brittany boardley renaldi

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