Book Giveaway-The Fund-H.T. Narea-Ends 12/30 | Miki's Hope

Book Giveaway-The Fund-H.T. Narea-Ends 12/30

Monday, November 28, 2011

This giveaway is now officially over--Out of the 82 lovely comments the number drawn by was 37

nikkilynn46 said... 37

I follow on GFC
December 17, 2011 12:56 PM

Congratulations Nikki Lynn!! What you have to do now is reply to the email I will be sending you in a few moments within 48 hours with your full name and mailing address so that I can forward it on to the publisher who has been nice enough to sponsor this give away.

I love thrillers, as anyone who follows my blog knows-so when I was asked to review “The Fund” by H.T. Narea and realized it was about the world of international high finance (I am a bookkeeper remember) I jumped on it!!

The beginning of the book dragged a bit and I admittedly gave up trying to read all the unfamiliar type names. But then-------the action started!! I couldn’t put it down—and I really wish it hadn’t ended the way it did for the two central characters Nabibi and Kate-well maybe Mr. Narea will write a sequel!! And this would make a GREAT movie!!

From the inside front cover:

“U.S. Defense Intelligence operative Kate Molares is investigating a suspicious international money trail
Her instincts place her at the center of a plot involving a terrifying new kind of terrorism—financial terrorism—perpetrated by a suave, handsome Middle Eastern hedge fund nogul. His goal is to wreck the West by bringing the global economy to it’s knees.”

The ending will terrify you and make you wonder what is really going on in today’s volatile financial markets!! (I just saw this in todays news-Nov 17th scary stuff) Especially when you realize that Mr. Narea is an international investment banker and also teaches international finance at Georgetown University, as well as having in the past worked as a principle at Chase, and advised foreign countries on restructuring debt etc!! Mr. Narea has a website where you can learn more about him.

This book can be purchased at

Now on to the giveaway

As always please remember to put your email address in each and every comment you make or I won’t be able to contact you if your number comes up when I go to!! You will have 48 hours to respond to my email-----This book will be sent directly from the publisher!!

Mandatory: Go to Mr. Narea’s website and tell me something interesting you learned

Extra: Follow me on GFC (on right)
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I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


ann said... 1

He is a international investment banker.
amhengst at verizon dot net

ann said... 2

email subscriber
amhengst at verizon dot net

ann said... 3

like on FB - amhengst
amhengst at verizon dot net

ann said... 4

GFC follower - amhengst
amhengst at verizon dot net

jacque said... 5

He is the soninlaw of Paul Erdman...the first financial thriller writer!! thx for the chance

jacque said... 6

I follow gfc jacque stengel
twinmomx5 at gmail dot com

Diane Melendez said... 7

I learned the author is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service

Diane Melendez said... 8

I follow you on GFC as kui900

Diane Melendez said... 9

I joined you and am following on G+

Diane Melendez said... 10

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Diane Melendez said... 11

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Diane Melendez said... 12

Tried to follow you on twitter using your link above. Twitter states there is no account.

Unknown said... 13

This book has areas around the world - it will be like a trip between the pages :) Thanks for sharing
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 14

Follow on Facebook
Janice Crespo
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 15

GFC nicole whittemore
g+ nicole whittemore
twitter nicolecamillekhd
Kate’s mission takes her from the defense intelligence command center on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. to the oil-fueled economy of Caracas, Venezuela; from the U.N. to the site of a deadly Islamic conspiracy in the Iberian Peninsula.

Unknown said... 16

Follow on Google Plus Circles
Janice Crespo
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 17

janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 18

It's cool how it takes place in many different places :)

booksandboston AT gmail DOT com

sweety said... 19

After visiting Mr. Narea’s website,something interesting that i learned is that he is fluent in
English, Spanish and Portuguese :)

Thanks for the giveaway!!


sweety said... 20

I am a GFC follower.

GFC name - sweety


sweety said... 21

I Follow you on Facebook as " Rosemarie Dimitri Belikov "


sweety said... 22

I Follow you on Twitter as " @sweetyindia "


The Lovely Reader said... 23

I learned that the author is an international investment banker. Thanks for the contest!

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

buddyt said... 24

Thanks for the giveaway.

The author is an International Investment Banker.

Please enter me if open worldwide.


Carol T

I FOllow via GFC = buddyt

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Linda Trinklein said... 25

I learned "He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service"


lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 26

im following via gfc


lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 27

following through google +

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 28

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lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 29

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lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 30

tweeted 12/15

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 31

DAily tweet 12/16

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 32

Daily tweet 12/17

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Nikki Elkins said... 33

he is the son in law of paul erdman

Nikki Elkins said... 34

I follow on GFC

Grace said... 35

He holds U.S. and Chilean citizenships, and is fluent in
English, Spanish and Portuguese.

blessedelements at g mail dot com

Grace said... 36

following you on GFC
blessedelements at g mail dot com

Grace said... 37

following you on facebook and wrote on your wall so you knew I had been there. (was already following) blessedelements at g mail dot com

Grace said... 38

Following you on G+ as Grace Hodgin
blessedelements at g mail dot com

Grace said... 39

Following you on Tweeter and sent you a message so you knew I did. My twitter name is Blessed_Element

blessedelements at g mail dot com

Linda Trinklein said... 40

Daily tweet 12/19

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

shelby said... 41

I learned that the author has provided new ideas and concepts about the war on terrorism

Anonymous said... 42

international investment banker

Anonymous said... 43

GFC The Teacher

Anonymous said... 44


Anonymous said... 45

follow on twitter

pmj said... 46

Top business story in 2011
aol dot com

pmj said... 47

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aol dot com

pmj said... 48

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pamela j

aol dot com

pmj said... 49

twitter follower

aol dot com

Rebecca said... 50

Learned that he's the son-in-law of Paul Erdman, the creator of the financial thriller fiction genre. I didn't KNOW there was a genre like that!

Rebecca said... 51

I'm also a GFC follower - rrgreene62


♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 52

the author is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 53

I added your feed to my google reader

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 54

following you on twitter @left_the_stars

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 55

I tweeted your giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Linda Trinklein said... 56

tweeted 12/26


Linda Trinklein said... 57

tweeted 12/27

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

corey said... 58

I learned that H.T. Narea, an international investment banker, the author, is a graduate of Georgetown.

Linda Trinklein said... 59

tweeted 12/28


lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Linda Trinklein said... 60

Daily tweet 12/29

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Brittany Boardley said... 61

The author is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Brittany Boardley said... 62

gfc follower

Brittany Boardley said... 63

added you to my circle

Brittany Boardley said... 64

twitter follower @britibee

Jenny said... 65

He is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

jenny_anwar at

Jenny said... 66

Twitter follower (jenny_anwar)

jenny_anwar at

Jenny said... 67


jenny_anwar at

Linda Trinklein said... 68

tweeted 12/30

lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

Laurie said... 69

I learned:
He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, where he has also taught
a graduate course on international finance. He is the son-in-law of Paul Erdman, the creator
of the financial thriller fiction genre.

Laurie said... 70

follow on gfc

Laurie said... 71

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Laurie said... 72

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Laurie said... 73

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Laurie said... 74

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Laurie said... 75

tweeted under frugalwahms

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