$25 PayPal--Thankful for My Readers!! Ends 12/31 | Miki's Hope

$25 PayPal--Thankful for My Readers!! Ends 12/31

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank you so very much--all of you for entering this contest-There were 388 entries-
and the winner of the $25 PayPal is number 157

outsiderein said... 157

Added you to G-1 (Gabriella Iacobone) #2


I will be sending Gabriella an email in a few minutes--just reply within 48 hours and let me know your paypal url and I will send the money today!!

Because I am so very thankful that all of you have joined me on my blog--and because I am over 2500 GFC followers I am going to give one lucky winner $25.00 in their PayPal account to end 2011 and start 2012!!

This is going to be simple

Mandatory: Add me to your G-1 circles (click button on right) (2)

Extra: Add me to your Blog Roll (2)
Subscribe to my email and/or RSS Feed (up top) (2)

That's it--just remember to add two comments for each thing you do and include your email address in each one so that I can contact you if you win when I go to Random.org at the end of this giveaway!!

Thank you again everyone and Good Luck!!

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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Danette Bridges said... 1

Okay im confused already but Michele you know how easy that is to do to me . Lol I already have you on my favorites on my page . Follow you now on yahoo too and on facebook . am not sure what G-1 circele is . I think i subscribe to your email lol . Dont know what RSS feed is . and Where am I to put two comments on each what ????? Lol Love ya girl but I dont Blog jsut trying to keep up with yas all is hard enough for me to do . Lol . Still love ya thou .

Kathy Miranda said... 2

Ok, subscribed, and added you to my blog roll under the title Link Love. Not quite sure what G-1 isbut did share on my FB page so others could see too.
Great Giveaway!

Happy Gardening, Kim said... 3

I follow you on G+


Happy Gardening, Kim said... 4

You are already on my blog roll and you are there to stay!


Happy Gardening, Kim said... 5

I have subscribed to "Miki's Hope's RSS Feed


Tonya said... 6

I added you to my G-1 circles (entry 1)

Tonya said... 7

I added you to my G-1 circle

Tonya said... 8

I subscribe via RSS feed (entry 1)

tonya at mommymusing dot net

Unknown said... 9

I subscribe via RSS feed (entry 2)

tonya at mommymusing dot net

ladymishel said... 10

Added you to my G-1 circles (Michelle Ame)


Colleen Boudreau said... 11

#1 I added you to my G-1 circle (colleen boudreau)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 12

#2 I added you to my G-1 circle (colleen boudreau)
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 13

#1 I'm subscribed via Email & RSS feed.
holliister at gmail dot com

Colleen Boudreau said... 14

#2 I'm subscribed via Email & RSS feed.
holliister at gmail dot com

rjs mama said... 15

would love to join, will add this on my to-do list


air said... 16

1. added you on g+

air abenes (airine_abenes@yc)

air said... 17

2. subscribe both (airine_abenes@yc)
blogroll: http://www.fromwalatookay.info/p/blogroll.html

Anonymous said... 18

I Added you to my G-1 circles.

jandplee at att dot net

Anonymous said... 19

I Subscribe to your email.
jandplee at att dot net

Unknown said... 20

added you on google plus
janicecrespo AT gmail.com

Unknown said... 21

added you on google plus 1
janicecrespo AT gmail.com

Unknown said... 22

added you on blogroll
(right sidebar under giveaway bloggers)
janicecrespo AT gmail.com

Unknown said... 23

added you on blogroll 1
(right sidebar under giveaway bloggers)
janicecrespo AT gmail.com

Unknown said... 24

subscribe to email and rss feed
janicecrespo AT gmail.com

Unknown said... 25

subscribe to email and rss feed 1
janicecrespo AT gmail.com

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 26

1 follow you on google+1
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 27

2 follow you on google+1
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 28

1 I subscribe by email
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said... 29

I added you to G+. (entry 1)

Anonymous said... 30

I added you to G+ (entry 2)

Anonymous said... 31

I am subscribed to your emails. (entry 1)

Anonymous said... 32

I am subscribed to your emails. (entry 2)

Linda Sanders said... 33

added on G+ (1)

Linda Sanders said... 34

added on G+ (2)

Linda Sanders said... 35

email (1)

Cathy W said... 36

I follow you on G+ (Cathy Wallace)

Cathy W said... 37

I follow you on G+ (Cathy Wallace)

Linda Sanders said... 38

email (2)

Cathy W said... 39

Subscribe by email

cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

stacey dempsey said... 40

i added you stacey dempsey
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said... 41

i susbcribe to you by email #1
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said... 42

i susbcribe to you by email #2
staceyx at telus dot net

Renfie said... 43

1. I Added you on Google + as renfie


Renfie said... 44

2. I Added you on Google + as renfie


Renfie said... 45

1. I have a confirmed email subscription


Renfie said... 46

2. I have a confirmed email subscription


Renfie said... 47

1. I subscribe by rss, Google Reader


Renfie said... 48

2. I subscribe by rss, Google Reader


FreeIndeed said... 49

g+ follower, anna pry, thepryfamily@gmail.com

FreeIndeed said... 50

2 g+ follower, anna pry, thepryfamily@gmail.com

FreeIndeed said... 51

2 added to blogroll: http://freeindeedblogger.blogspot.com/ thepryfamily@gmail.com

FreeIndeed said... 52

2 email subscriber. thepryfamily@gmail.com

Slester said... 53

I Added you to my G-1 circle-Entry 1

Shannon G

Slester said... 54

I Added you to my G-1 circle-Entry 2

Shannon G

Slester said... 55

I am subscribed by email-Entry 1

Shannon G.

Slester said... 56

I am subscribed by email-Entry 2

Shannon G.

cjabdelnour said... 57

added you to my google+ circle. Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

cjabdelnour said... 58

follow you by email. Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

Mimi Hayden said... 59

Added you to Google + (Michelle Hayden) #1
lambeaugal at charter.net

Mimi Hayden said... 60

Added you to Google + (Michelle Hayden) #2
lambeaugal at charter.net

BethElderton said... 61

I joined you on google+ (Beth Elderton)
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 62

#2 google+
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 63

I'm an email subscriber
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 64

I added you to my circle Entry 1

aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said... 65

I added you to my circle Entry 2

aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said... 66

I subscribe to your email Entry 1

aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said... 67

I subscribe to your email Entry 2

aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com

Christina Perry said... 68

Mandatory entry 1 of 2
You have been Added to my G-1 circle

Christina Perry said... 69

Mandatory entry 2 of 2
You have been Added to my G-1 circle

Christina Perry said... 70

Extra entry 1 of 2
I now Subscribe by email and also to the RSS Feed

Christina Perry said... 71

Extra entry 2 of 2
I now Subscribe by email and also to the RSS Feed

Anonymous said... 72

i follow G+

Anonymous said... 73

i subscribe via RSS

miki said... 74

mandatory entry:
i added you on G+ : isabelle frisch


miki said... 75
This comment has been removed by the author.
miki said... 76

mandatory entry 2/2
i added you on G+ : isabelle frisch


miki said... 77

extra enty 1/2
added you in rss ds google ereader and suscribe at the news letter


miki said... 78

extra enty 2/2
added you in rss ds google ereader and suscribe at the news letter


MsAngelasFinds said... 79

I follow you on Google+
Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

MsAngelasFinds said... 80

I follow you on Google+
Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

MsAngelasFinds said... 81

I added you to my blog roll.

Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

MsAngelasFinds said... 82

I added you to my blog roll.

Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

MsAngelasFinds said... 83

I follow through emails.
Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

MsAngelasFinds said... 84

I follow through emails.
Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

Andrea said... 85

Added to G-1 circle - entry #1


Andrea said... 86

Added to G-1 circle - entry #2


Andrea said... 87

Subscribe via email - entry #1


Andrea said... 88

Subscribe via email - entry #2


In Julie's Opinion said... 89

Added you to my G1 circle - #1
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said... 90

Added you to my G1 circle - #2
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said... 91

I subscribe to your emails - #1
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said... 92

I subscribe to your emails - #2
jwitt33 at live dot com

April Trent said... 93

I added you to my circles. apriltrent313@gmail.com

April Trent said... 94

I added you to my circles apriltrent313@gmail.com

April Trent said... 95

I subscribe to you emails. apriltrent313@gmail.com

April Trent said... 96

I subscribe to you emails. apriltrent313@gmail.com

Stacy said... 97

I follow on G+

Stacy said... 98

I follow on G+

Stacy said... 99

I subscribe to your email!

Stacy said... 100

I subscribe to your email!

astroqueen67 said... 101

I added you to my circles. Holly Swint on Google + astroqueen67@hotmail.com #1

astroqueen67 said... 102

I added you to my circles. Holly Swint on Google + astroqueen67@hotmail.com #2

astroqueen67 said... 103

Subscribe to your emails. Holly Swint astroqueen67@hotmail.com #1

astroqueen67 said... 104

Subscribe to your emails. Holly Swint astroqueen67@hotmail.com #2

Cori Greene said... 105

1.) added you to google circles as cori greene
sobey976 at gmail dot com

Cori Greene said... 106

2.) added you to google circles as cori greene
sobey976 at gmail dot com

Cori Greene said... 107

subscribed to your emails
cori g
sobey976 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 108

added you on Google +: becca pressnall
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 109

added you on Google +: becca pressnall #2
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 110

email subscriber #1
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 111

email subscriber #2
becca9916 at gmail dot com

Cori Greene said... 112

subscribed through google reader as cori greene
sobey976 at gmail dot com

jasmyth10 said... 113

I subcribe to G+-1

jasmyth10 said... 114

I subscribe to G+ -2

jasmyth10 said... 115

I subscribe to your email with jasmyth@shaw.ca -1

jasmyth10 said... 116

I subscribe to your email with jasmyth@shaw.ca - 2

jasmyth10 said... 117

I subscribe to RRS-1

jasmyth10 said... 118

I subscribe to RRS-2

Linda Taylor said... 119

I follow you on Google +

Linda Taylor said... 120

I follow you on Google +
daisy522@aol.com -2

Laura Creazzo said... 121

I follow you on Google + wifeof(at)leloncreazzo(dot)com

Laura Creazzo said... 122

I subscribe to your email. wifeof(at)leloncreazzo(dot)com

Julie said... 123

added you to my Google +
julie hebb
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

Julie said... 124

added you to my Google + #2
julie hebb
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

Julie said... 125

email subscriber
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

Julie said... 126

emails #2
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

angie lilly said... 127

I clicked the “+ 1 button” as Angie Lilly.-1-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said... 128

I clicked the “+ 1 button” as Angie Lilly. -2-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said... 129

I subscribe via email.-1-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said... 130

I subscribe via email.-2-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said... 131

I subscribe via google reader.-1-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said... 132

I subscribe via google reader.-2-
14earth at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 133

Added to G-1 circles as Amy Orvin
entry 1


Anonymous said... 134

Added to G-1 circles as Amy Orvin
entry 2


Anonymous said... 135

I have subscribed to "Miki's Hope's RSS Feed
entry 1


Anonymous said... 136

I have subscribed to "Miki's Hope's RSS Feed
entry 2


Megan Parsons said... 137

Added you to my G-1 circles

Megan C. said... 138

Added you on google+ meganc73@gmaildotcom

darlene miller said... 139

i follow you on google 1 circles

darlene miller said... 140

i follow you on google 1 circles

darlene miller said... 141

i subcscribe by rss feed

Megan Parsons said... 142

Added you to my G-1 circles #2

darlene miller said... 143

i subscribe by rss feed

Megan Parsons said... 144

I already subscribe via email

darlene miller said... 145

i follow you on google 1

i forgot to leave email address on others ,so im doing them again

Megan Parsons said... 146

I already subscribe via email #2

darlene miller said... 147

i follow you on google 1
doing it again,coz i forgot

darlene miller said... 148

i subscribe rss feed
doing it again,forgot

outsiderein said... 149

Added you to G-1 (Gabriella Iacobone)

outsiderein said... 150

Sub to emails

outsiderein said... 151

Added you to G-1 (Gabriella Iacobone) #2


outsiderein said... 152

Sub to emails


Brynn said... 153

I added you to my google plus

Brynn said... 154

I subscribe to your emails

Anonymous said... 155

I added G-1 to my circle-1

Anonymous said... 156

I added G-1 to my circle-2

Anonymous said... 157

I subscribe to your e-mails-1

Anonymous said... 158

I subscribe to your e-mails-2

Joanne Cheah said... 159

added to G-1 circles as Joanne Cheah
email: jcjoannecheah@gmail.com

Jessica Schank Snow said... 160

I have you on added on my G-1 circles!!

Email: JJs2468@aol.com

Thank you!! =)

Jessica Schank Snow said... 161

I subscribe to you via email and RSS Feed!!

Email: JJs2468@aol.com
Thanks again!! =)

Sophie said... 162

I have added you to my Bloggy Buddies circle on Google +

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Stacy said... 163

I follow on G+! #1

Stacy said... 164

I follow on G+! #2

Stacy said... 165

I subscribe to email! #1

Stacy said... 166

I subscribe to email! #2

Anonymous said... 167

google + kelly hutchinson


simply_unique said... 168

I added you to my circles

Unknown said... 169

#1 - Added you to my G-1 circles [Geraldine Sandoval]
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 170

#2 - Added you to my G-1 circles [Geraldine Sandoval]
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 171

#1 - Subscribe via email
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 172

#2 - Subscribe via email
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said... 173

Added you to my G-1 circles - Barbara Montag
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said... 174

Added you to my G-1 circles - Barbara Montag
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said... 175

RSS subscriber via Google Reader
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said... 176

RSS subscriber via Google Reader
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

latanya t said... 177

I follow you on google+

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said... 178

I follow you on google+

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said... 179

I subscribe via google reader

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said... 180

I subscribe via google reader

dlatany at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 181

I have you in my google + circles

Unknown said... 182

I have you in my blog roll on onebusymoma.net

Unknown said... 183

I have you in my blog roll on onebusymoma.net

Unknown said... 184

I subscribe via RSS

Unknown said... 185

I subscribe via RSS

Unknown said... 186

I subscribe via email

Unknown said... 187

I subscribe via email

Unknown said... 188

I added you to my Google + Circle

Sarah Walker

Unknown said... 189

I subscribe to you via both email and rss feed

Sarah Walker

Melissa Rio said... 190

I follow you on G+


Melissa Rio said... 191

Subscribed to you via email.


Anonymous said... 192

I follow you on G+.
madelinebrubaker (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 193

I follow you on G+.
madelinebrubaker (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 194

I subscribe to your RSS feed.
madelinebrubaker (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 195

I subscribe to your RSS feed.
madelinebrubaker (at) gmail (dot) com

Tabitha said... 196

I follow u G+

Lmbrunken said... 197

Added you to my circle on G+

lmbrunken at gmail dot com

Lmbrunken said... 198

follow you on G+

lmbrunken at gmail dot com

Lmbrunken said... 199

email subscriber
lmbrunken at gmail dot com

Lmbrunken said... 200

email subscriber 2

lmbrunken at gmail dot com

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