Now that Valentine's Day is over for another yesr--President's Day which is a relatively new phenomona is next Monday!! Now when I was growing up there was no such thing as President's Day--There was Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday--(I think big business might have had something to do with this combining--cause we used to get both days off!!) Other then my paranthetical comment the only other reason I can think of is that we have lots of Presidents no longer in office but who are still alive and someone in Political land felt bad cause they weren't being honored as well--Strangely enough I don't remember any sitting Presidents having their birthdays forecast to the general public-maybe their kids birthday parties sometimes--but not theirs. As a freelance I don't get to take very many holidays (Presidents day I always work)--but then--I have to work on MY birthday as well--which reminds me--I better go get ready before I'm late!!
(No-it is not my birthday-that event is in September)
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Well I wonder if I become rich and famous and change the world if they will make my birthday a holiday LOL>
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