FIRST BOOK-Give Away-ends 1/20/11 | Miki's Hope

FIRST BOOK-Give Away-ends 1/20/11

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The True Random Number Generator picked #26 Jeni--I will send Jeni an email letting her know THAT SHE WON--she has 48 hours to respond or someone else will be picked.

This giveaway is officially closed but the content can always be viewed on charities!!

I am a reader. I believe that every child should experience the wonder of opening his or her very own book. There is something about actually holding a book and turning the pages that can cause the imagination to soar. It can be the beginning of a love of lifetime learning. Most times it is a parent who first buys and then reads to their child, turning the pages, explaining the brightly colored pictures! Unfortunately not everyone in this day and age can afford that First Book.  One of my favorite

charities is
First Book; they donate that first book to children whose parents simply cannot afford them.

So, when the time comes that you are thinking about which charity to give to—won’t you consider First Book.  I really just want you to see what this charity is all about.  Whether you might consider donating at some point or have a need for their services or are just curious please click in and read all about it!!
And I have a suggestion for all us avid readers out there—this year why don’t you forgo the buying of 1 book and donate the money to First book instead.  And when you are thinking about what to buy a child as a present—buy them a book (admittedly in addition to whatever else they might want!)
Now for the fun part!!! I will be giving away to one lucky poster either a subscription to Cricket Magazine or Zoo books Magazine (used in some schools) or a book of your choice from Random House. (All these sites can be found on my affiliate website From Today until 1/20/2011
Mandatory Entry:  Go to First Book and tell me something you learned.

Additional Entries: Join me on Twitter
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Unknown said... 1

They have a program called books for kids, books for keeps to help make every child a reader

Unknown said... 2

I am a friend on google friends

Unknown said... 3

i follow you on twitter

Unknown said... 4

I learned that First Book has distributed more than 80 million free and low cost books in thousands of communities.


Unknown said... 5

I follow you with google friend connect


Unknown said... 6

I'm following you on twitter @buttonlove


Snowy Summer said... 7

First Book was founded in 1992, when current President, Kyle Zimmer, and two friends joined together to create an organization to deliver books to children in need. :)

Snowy Summer said... 8

GFC Follower


Snowy Summer said... 9

RSS Subscriber (1)

Snowy Summer said... 10

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Jen said... 11

I learned that if you donate money, they have a list of what different dollar amounts equal out to. Like $20 is 10 books for a new reader.

jenniekcoupons at gmail dot com

Karen said... 12

I learned that in that first year, First Book distributed 12,000 books in three communities. Now in its 18th year, First Book will deliver approximately 8 Million books in 2010. -- this is awesome!
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

Karen said... 13

I follow you via GFC!
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 14

I learned that First Book grants unprecedented access to new books to programs serving children in need.

Anonymous said... 15

Added you to google friends

Anonymous said... 16

Subscribed to you via RSS

Anonymous said... 17

subscribed to you via RSS

Anonymous said... 18

subscribed to you via email

The Green MomSter said... 19

I learned that you can donate with as little as $5!

elkmeese at gmail dot com

The Green MomSter said... 20

email subscriber

elkmeese at gmail dot com

The Green MomSter said... 21

gfc follower Lindsie

elkmeese at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 22

the uso, salvation army, and the united way,among many others are all partners with first book

Jeni said... 23

I learned that first Book has delivered more than 80 million books to children in need across the United States and Canada in the last 20 years.

Jeni said... 24

following now with GFC

Jeni said... 25

Following you on Networked Blogs Jeni Johannsmeier

Ladytink_534 said... 26

I learned that they have several open posistions including Manager- Business Strategy, Social Media Coordinator, First Book Marketplace Director of Sales, Director- Strategic Alliances, & Vice President of Marketing


Ladytink_534 said... 27

I'm a follower

Ladytink_534 said... 28

Networked blog follower~ Jennifer L.

MikiHope said... 29

Hi All--MikiHope (Michele) here--to comment on Anonymous (Sherri Crawford's) comment# 25

Yes--I do know that United Way, Salvation Army etc give to First Book--it is a worthy organization--I am not asking for donations here--just that you know about it!!

Thank you!


ACMommy3 said... 30

I learned that a lawyer who tutored children at an inner-city soup kitchen discovered that the children she tutored had no books to read -- so she and two friends founded First Book to provide new books and resources to the children who needed them the most! Now 20 years later, First Book has delivered more than 80 million books to programs serving children across the U.S. and Canada. Wonderful!

ACMommy3 said... 31

I follow your blog via GFC! :) creedamy[at]yahoo [dot]com

Anonymous said... 32

I learned they are partnered with Target
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Jenna Z said... 33

I follow on twitter (corgipants)

Jenna Z said... 34

I learned that First Book was founded in 1992!

jdjmcc said... 35

Every school day 7,000 high schoolers drop out of school! It makes sense, if you can't read(or well) being in a place where everything is based on books would make you very uncomfortable. Thank you for bringing ths site to our attention!

jdjmcc said... 36

I follow GFC!!!

Baby Mama said... 37

I learned that they have districuted 80 million books

Unknown said... 38

I learned that First Books work...55% of children have shown an increase interest in reading...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 39

Follow you on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*

Unknown said... 40

RSS subscribe #1...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 41

RSS subscribe #2...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 42

Email subscribe...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 43

NB follow *Jennifer C.*

Unknown said... 44

I love that they give books to kids in need! And that they give out over 80 million books - that's amazing!

thegiveawayqueen at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 45

I follow on gfc

thegiveawayqueen at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 46

I follow on twitter


Elizabeth said... 47

I learned you can donate a book in memory or honor of someone.

Unknown said... 48

Wow - here's a very alarming statistic I learned on First Book's site: "...fully 80% of preschool and after-school programs serving low-income populations have no age-appropriate books for the children they serve." SCHOOLS, where you'd expect children of all incomes to have these things available to them don't have the proper books!
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 49

I'm a GFC follower
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 50

I follow you on Networked Blogs
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

tiny tornadoes said... 51

I learned every $2 donations buys a book .

Kristen said... 52

I learned

First Book works through existing community programs and literacy efforts to provide a steady stream of new free or low cost books to elevate educational programming and improve access to reading materials.

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 53

I learned that they have partnered with Target for the first book campaign

Unknown said... 54

I follow you on GFC manthas24

Unknown said... 55

I follow you on Twitter @manthas24

Unknown said... 56

1 I get your rss in google reader

Unknown said... 57

2 I get your rss in google reader

Maude Lynn said... 58

They are a Forbes Gold Star Charity!

Lee said... 59

First Book has a bookmark blog that tells about their activities.

Tori said... 60

I learned they - The First Book Marketplace is a website offering high-quality children's books and educational materials at deeply discounted prices to registered organizations serving children from low-income families.

Lisa@The Nourishing Homemaker said... 61

I learned about 40% of 4th graders read below grade level.

I'm also doing a giveaway and I'd love for you to come take a look.

shelby brigham said... 62

They have a program called books for kids, books for keeps to help make every child a reader

The Preppy Student said... 63

I learned that First Book empowers children with reading!

The Preppy Student said... 64

I follow GFC- M.P.

The Preppy Student said... 65

I follow you on twitter- toesthattwink

wigget said... 66

i learned the most successful way to improve the reading achievement of low-income children is to increase their access to print

Jessica said... 67

I learned that they have distributed more than 80 million books in less than 20 years!

Jessica said... 68

GFC follower
Jessica Sage

Jessica said... 69

follow you on twitter

Nancye said... 70

I learned that First Book provides books to kids in need.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 71

I follow you on Twitter

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 72

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 73

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 74

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 75

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 76

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

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